Lovely Linden Hall

Always so supportive and genuinely making a huge difference to Deal’s burgeoning arts scene, Myles Corley and his team continue to put on the best shows (and I’m not just saying that because I’ve got two pieces in the Winter Group Show, see below). Long may their success continue to grow. It’s a warm and inclusive place, where you always feel welcome for a good look around. The perfect place to get some inspiration, too.

I’m particularly fond of Liza Kelly’s Self Portrait, Jill Hartman’s Camber Sands Collection V, Martin Spanyol’s Lemons at Night, Emilly Tull’s Hare, Maggie Williams’ amazing sculptures (how does she do that?), Charles Williams’ Tea-time Boys – such variety, such talent.

On until 28th January, 2023. Find out more here.

An Erotic Radiation

Vintage magazine image, acrylic and ink. Framed.

Sanctimonious Madam

Digital collage, acrylic, gold leaf. Framed.

Kathryn Reilly

Writer, curator, designer, artist.


Still not safe


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