My services

  • Features and articles

    Whether you need a white paper, some thought leadership, an opinion piece, an interview or a good old-fashioned long read (remember them?), I have a deep understanding of creating, shaping and polishing content that people actually read. This comes in the form of online content and on-paper articles.

  • Tone of voice

    It’s incredible the difference the right choice of language makes to create really powerful communications. Should you be formal, chatty, acerbic, proud, humble, authoritative… etc etc etc. No only should you nail this at the beginning of a project, you need to check in regularly to ensure consistency an quality. I can help.

  • Content audit

    Do you actually know what’s on your site? And who wrote it? And when? And what the brief was? Dare you look in those dark recesses to see what you’re really saying? I can help you take an impartial look at what you could be doing better, how you could repurpose content and how struc.uring your hierarchy properly can pay dividends.