End of an era (no hyperbole)

Those in the industry will know that everything is changing at World of Interiors. Longstanding editor Rupert Thomas is stepping down after 22 years at the title. With an incredibly low circulation but very high advertising spend, WoI is unique to the publishing world. And the very thought of it becoming popular is anathema to those who venerate it. So the new editor, Hamish Bowles, has his work cut out. The fear is that he will be influenced by his ex-boss, Anna Wintour, who loves a celebrity (see the comments after this piece to get an idea). But he’s a dandy and even has the house to fit (or used to). Having worked with the team on book reviews over the last few years, I am trepidatious about the upcoming changes (will this be my last one?) but also intrigued to see what develops. No doubt there will be grumblings but the brand can no longer maintain its disdainful attitude of superiority to the World Wide Web.

world of interiors book review the poster: a visual history
Kathryn Reilly

Writer, curator, designer, artist.




Purple patch